Right C.I. Tracker

Left C.I. Tracker

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Gear For My Ears!

Since Evie was 3 months old we've been struggling to keep her hearing devices on her tiny, thin ears!
Lately, this struggle has become more frustrating with her awnry determination to keep my hands off of her head!
To battle this obstinance, I've been experimenting with a number of options for her little ears and head. Here's a list of things we've tried and some photos of the more recent attempts to keep her listening.
Ear Molds
Snug-Fit with and w/o the Baby Worn set-up
The clear tubes originally used before Snug Fit
All of the above with Double-sided Toupee Tape!
Just Toupee Tape (which works well, but hard on her delicate skin)
Bandana Gear, Hats
Ear Gear sleeves w/clip attached and tape
Ear Gear sleeves w/clip attached and ear molds
The best to date: Ear Gear Sleeves w/clip attached and a Headband looped through them!
Our friend Clarissa, Evan's mom, did something similar for her little guy. Here's our version of Bandana Gear. The CI's are tucked into a fold in the bandana where she cannot reach them! She was so confused when she couldn't just reach up and rip the right one off. Funny!

Evie licking a ball before she throws it. You can see the Processor slipping out of the bandana.

She's so happy and keeping her hands off of the CI's for now.

My Favorite set-up so far! She leaves them on so much better and they don't fall on the floor either! It works for her since she's a girl, don't know what to suggest for you moms of boys though.

This wonderful vibrating foot massager has been a sanity saver!! Evie is sensitive to her surroundings and anything that vibrates makes her relax. Seriously, I can do anything I want while she lays like this... Put on her entire ear gear set-up, cut her toe nails, whatever.

Here she is, hard at work! Listening and not bothering with her CI's!! Good Girl Evie!
Here is Evie and her Super Ears buddy, Evan! He has special pouches for his CI's! His mom attaches them to his shirt with safety pins and has extra long coils to reach his head! Cool!

Playing and talking to her friend. She made lots of 'ah' and 'layaya' sounds while Evan clicked his lips and experimented with whimpering noises. They were so cute jabbering at each other!
A stare off before the heart break...
Evan had enough of sitting next to that girl and decided to pull her hair! After the crying stopped, she'd start up again and again. Just like a girl to hold a grudge!
Don't be fooled, this isn't an attempt to console her, he was going for her face again! So funny to watch... we'll see if she remembers next time they hang out.
This is a great shot of Evan's set-up though! These pouches were purchased online from another CI mom. Pretty cool for those active kids who are up and movin'!
Hope this post will give you some ideas to solve the never ending battle of keeping those heavy processors on their tiny little ears! Good luck!

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